Shalom y’all.

Mucho gusto!

JewBoy Burgers is a diner located at 5111 Airport Blvd in Austin, Texas. A mixture of US/Mexico Border Culture and a traditional Reform Jewish upbringing come together to make burgers, burritos and latkes (among other fried stuff) that honor both cultures.

Why JewBoy?

Mo Pittle, born in Cleveland with ties to Philadelphia and Washington, DC was raised in El Paso, Texas. Not the first place you’d expect to find Jews, but they’re there. Growing up among the Homeboys, he became affectionately known as “El JewBoy.” A few decades later, it now describes the burgers you’re about to consume. A perfect mix of Border and Jewish culture. So open your mind, but more importantly, open your mouth, because if you know Jewish people, or you know Latinos, you know you’re about to feast.


Check out our menu, but remember, you never know what we might be playing with. So follow us on IG to see what’s happening. Items are subject to availability due to supply chain chaos. Hopefully the world returns to normal soon. Long. Deep. Sigh.

Our Place

Located at 5111 Airport Blvd, we’re proud to offer a taste of Austin while still remaining conscious of safety. With a large patio, covered outdoor seating, additional outdoor tables on our “deck” and a socially distanced dining room, we have several options to join us in celebrating the art of eating and relaxing.

Order Online

We understand how important it is to be able to order online these days and we’re excited to be able to offer this option. Quality is our foremost concern. We make all our burgers to order which unlike a fast food joint, might take a while if we’re blessed to be busy. Rather than compromise quality, we will occasionally pause our online orders to allow for our kitchen to catch up. Might not want to be what you hear when you’re starving and craving a burger, but honesty is as important as quality. Thanks for understanding.